Protection and dignity: The right of migrant workers in Canada

labor abuse

Par : Victoria Andrea Anillo Campos

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Canada is known for being a welcoming country that values diversity and promotes human rights. However, it is important to highlight that as a migrant worker in Canada, it is crucial that our labor rights are protected and respected.

No one should experience abuse or exploitation in their workplace, regardless of their immigration status.

Although the Canadian government has implemented measures to safeguard the rights of migrant workers, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to ensure true equality and justice in the labor sphere.

Americanos Magazine tells you who and how to call in case of abuses, the different types of labor abuses that we could face, and how to carry out an appropriate complaint.

1. Who to turn to in case of labor abuse:

If you are a migrant worker in Canada and are experiencing abuse in your workplace, there are several agencies and organizations you can turn to for help. One option is to contact the Labour Abuse Hotline of the Ministry of Employment and Social Development Canada at 1-800-641-4049. You can also call 9-1-1 for free from any Canadian phone number or seek support and guidance through organizations such as Workers’ Action Centre, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, and locally through community legal clinics.

2. Types of labor abuse:

labor abuse

It is important to recognize the different types of labor abuses that could occur. These may include unpaid or below minimum wage salaries, excessive working hours without adequate compensation, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, workplace discrimination, verbal or physical harassment, and labor exploitation.

These abuses are unacceptable and violate our fundamental rights as migrant workers.

3. Filing a complaint:

When filing a complaint, it is essential to gather evidence and document the abuses. You can take photographs of the working conditions, keep records of your working hours and wages, and collect testimonies from coworkers if possible.

Make a complaint

Then, you should file a formal complaint with the Labor Standards Commission or the corresponding provincial labor agency. You can also seek legal advice to ensure that your rights are protected and properly represented during the process. When facing a situation of labor abuse, it is important to remember that you are not alone.

There are resources and organizations willing to provide support and fight for your rights as a migrant worker in Canada. Keep clear records, seek legal advice, and do not hesitate to report any abuse you experience.

Labor protection and justice are fundamental rights, and it is the responsibility of everyone to work together to ensure that migrant workers are treated with dignity and respect in Canada.

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