Saving for the future: Exploring the benefits of long-term financial planning


By: Victoria Andrea Anillo Campos

Content Writing and Marketing


When it comes to saving for the future and ensuring financial stability, it’s important to make the most of the investment tools and programs available. In Canada, there are different savings and investment plans designed to help people achieve their financial goals and secure their future.

cli and celiapp

In Americanos Magazine, we will explore two types of individual savings accounts, known as CELI (Tax-Free Savings Account) and CELIAPP, as well as two educational savings plans, called REER (Registered Long-Term Savings Scheme) and REEE (Education Savings Scheme). We will learn what they are, how they work and what are their benefits for Canadians.

CELI and CELIAPP: The CELI, or Tax-Free Savings Account, is an investment tool in Canada that allows individuals over the age of 18 to save and grow their money without having to pay taxes on the returns generated. Taxpayers can deposit up to a certain amount of money each year into a CELI, and withdrawals made in the future are not taxable.

On the other hand, the CELIAPP is a new account that allows you to save to buy your first property. The money you deposit there will be tax deductible. You can then use the amount collected as an advance for the purchase of a first home, without having to return it after your retirement.

REER and REEE: REER plans, or Registered Long-Term Savings Regime, are investment accounts designed specifically for retirement. Taxpayers can make contributions to a REER and deduct those amounts from their taxable income, allowing them to save more efficiently for their future. Funds invested in a REER grow tax-free until they are withdrawn during retirement, at which point they are taxed as income.

On the other hand, the REEE, or Education Savings Scheme, is a savings plan intended to finance the post-secondary education of a beneficiary, such as a child or a grandchild. The Government of Canada offers grants and bonuses to encourage saving on an REEE, which provides an additional incentive for Canadians to plan for their loved ones’ educational future, such as the Canadian Education Bonito (BEC), which further increases educational savings.


In Canada, CELI, CELIAPP, REER and REEE plans offer individuals unique opportunities to save and invest effectively and achieve different financial goals. Whether it’s to save tax-free, manage investments through a mobile app, secure a comfortable retirement or finance the education of your loved ones, these plans provide flexible options and tax benefits. As always, it is advisable to seek professional financial advice in order to fully understand the features and advantages of each plan and determine which one is best suited to individual needs and goals.
